These Cute Kiddos Are My Grandkids

These Cute Kiddos Are My Grandkids

Sir Pigglesworth Action & Adventure Chapter Books for Children ages 5-8

I put my grandkids in my book.
I gave my illustrator descriptions of hair color, age, etc. and then I gave them my grandkids names.
They were so excited to be in the book.
They are especially excited when they tell their school friends that they’re in a book…most of their friends are impressed and want me to put them in a book…happy to oblige!

Text from book 2 page 25 for the These Cute Kiddos Are My Grandkids Illustration

The girl smiled. “My name is Grace,” she said. “This is Jack, Wyatt, Alice and Elizabeth.”
She pointed to the kids sitting next to her. Each of them smiled and waved.
“My name is Sir Pigglesworth,” he said. “I’m here to find my parents. Are you looking for your parents, too?”
Alice giggled. “No, we’re looking for a pumpkin,” she said.

### Copyright © 2014 by Where In The World is Sir Pigglesworth, Inc. ###

Have a #pigalicious day.

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Award-winning Author and Speaker
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