Sir Pigglesworth Action & Adventure Chapter Books for Children ages 5-8 I love how my illustrator David shows action in each illustration. Kids particularly love the cross-eyed, tongue sticking out picture. They will always try to stick their tongues out…

Sir Pigglesworth Action & Adventure Chapter Books for Children ages 5-8 Sir Pigglesworth feels sick from eating so much…boy, what a piggy! But once that long, loud burrrrrp comes out, he feels much better. Don’t you after a burp…even a…

Sir Pigglesworth Action & Adventure Chapter Books for Children ages 5-8 Sir Pigglesworth is a pig of many talents. Here he shows off his surfing skills. His dad is certainly impressed! Where did he learn that talent? Apparently from balancing…

Sir Pigglesworth Action & Adventure Chapter Books for Children ages 5-8 The kids got water in their ears from the pool and couldn’t hear. All that yelling gave everyone on deck a headache. You know they couldn’t wait for them…

Sir Pigglesworth Action & Adventure Chapter Books for Children ages 5-8 Never a dull moment with my favorite pink friend! He saw what he wanted and he determined to go for it! Not the best idea he’s ever had, right? …